Since 1999, Bozatlı Kağıt has been providing the best quality and professional service at the most competitive prices to a wide range of customers, mainly plazas, factories, hospitals, hotels, cafes, restaurants, schools, classrooms and offices.
To obtain our reference list, please contact our sales representatives at our central office telephone. After your interview, you will be notified as soon as possible without reference list of the sector leader firms we serve.
Adres: Havaalanı Org. San. Böl. Körkün Mah.
Ökkeş Yiğit Blv. 1 Nolu Cd. No: 23
Telefon: 0342 235 39 81 – 235 00 88
Faks: 0342 235 07 93
Mail: bilgi@marmaris.com.tr | bozatlipaper@hotmail.com
Ökkeş Yiğit Blv. 1 Nolu Cd. No: 23
Telefon: 0342 235 39 81 – 235 00 88
Faks: 0342 235 07 93
Mail: bilgi@marmaris.com.tr | bozatlipaper@hotmail.com
Adres: Zümrütevler Mah. Elif Sok. No: 7
Maltepe / İSTANBUL
Telefon: 0216 589 01 11
Faks: 0216 589 00 96
Mail: bilgi@marmaris.com.tr
Maltepe / İSTANBUL
Telefon: 0216 589 01 11
Faks: 0216 589 00 96
Mail: bilgi@marmaris.com.tr